The Experience
World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. values a professional, fun, fair and safe dance competition environment. To ensure a professional experience for the artists, instructors and spectators it’s crucial that all routines are appropriate for family viewing. In the case where a routine is viewed “inappropriate” points will be deducted. Our judges will score on the “appropriateness” of the routine focusing on elements such as music, costume, choreography and concept. Should the routine be objectionable and / or offensive, it will immediately be disqualified.
The opportunity to perform on a live stage for friends and family is a fun and exciting experience for all! All attendees are expected to demonstrate respect and sportsmanship to others. Recruiting students from other studios is prohibited.
To promote fairness, World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. believes that every artist should be given a fair chance.
Artists may only compete with one studio per event.
If a routine cannot perform during it's allotted time by it's overall placement awards ceremony, the routine will ONLY be eligible for adjudication, and not for overall division placement.
Video recording is strictly prohibited.
All attendees and spectators must respect and abide by theater rules.
Artists, studio directors, instructors and parents / guardians are understood to recognize the risks inherent with performing, setting up and removing props from on / off the stage as well as in / out of the venue. Participating in the competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by the artists, studio directors, instructors and parents / guardians. World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury or property loss during the event.
Dancers may NOT exit or jump off the front or side of the stage at ANY time during a WCTE competition event (including performances).
World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. reserves the right to make modifications to competition guidelines at anytime.
It is at the sole discretion of World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. to modify event days, times, locations, and venues anytime. World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. reserves the right to postpone or cancel any competition due to weather, number of routines or for any other unexpected circumstance.
Choreographers, instructors, parents / guardians and artists authorize World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. to video record and photograph the event and use images for any and all World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. promotional campaigns. All attendees are advised that photographs and videos will be taken at the competition event.
Enriching the talent experience is a priority for our organization. World-Class Talent Experience, Inc. looks forward to hearing your feedback! Please forward all comments to info@wctedance.com.