Talent Classes
A routine in which choreography is a blend of gymnastics and dance.
A routine that includes classical steps and ballet technique. Ballet / soft shoe only.
A routine portraying an easily recognizable character with music, costume and dance.
A routine that uses clogging technique.
A routine which fuses jazz and lyrical styles with a strong emphasis on modern
Hip Hop
A routine which consists of the latest street dance style and movement.
A routine that uses jazz technique and utilizes up-tempo music.
A routine which combines elements of jazz and ballet techniques to slow music incorporating emotion and storytelling.
A routine which focuses on interpretive movement demonstrating balance and control.
Musical Theater
A routine that consists of Broadway Theater dance styles.
A routine that does not fall into any of our performance categories, or any combination thereof including any style of dance and allows for acrobatic passes.
A routine which includes classical steps and pointe technique. Pointe shoes required.
A routine which includes sharp arm movements, kicks, leaps, jumps and splits. Pompons must be used for at least 90% of the routine.
Song and Dance
A routine in which contains both singing and any category of dance. Accompaniment must be provided. Backup vocals will be permitted. 50% of the routine must consist of dance movements.
A routine that incorporates ethnic styles of dance such as Polkas, Hawaiian, Ballroom, Bollywood, Russian, African, etc.
A routine that is choreographed by a student only. Routine may be performed as a solo, duo/trio, or group. Routines choreographed by students may also be registered in the regular categories at the Studio Director's discretion.
A routine comprised of tap technique.
Vocal performance of any genre. May include limited choreography but must be 75% vocal. No pre-recorded vocal melody is permitted in the music, however backup vocalizations are allowed. Vocal category is NOT eligible for Top 10 Overall Awards.
Judges reserve the right to change the performance division of a routine if they feel it is incorrectly placed. Scores will not be affected due to change.
Routines containing more than three (3) Gymnastic / Acrobatic passes across the stage must be entered in the Open or Acrobatic category. Singing is permitted ONLY in the Song and Dance and Vocal Category.